Lamp-shades and soap
(too old to reply)
Auric Hellman
2006-02-06 05:10:58 UTC
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
Emanuel Appel
2006-02-06 05:24:53 UTC
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
You know what? Why talk about it?
Israel doesn't exist, the Holocaust doesn't exist, the Moslems don't
Auric Hellman
2006-02-06 20:13:14 UTC
"Auric Hellman" is just another moron - please remember to take out
alt.gossip.royalty when you are rubbing his nose in his own filth.
He simply asked a question, yes? Have we reached a point now
where simply asking a legitimate question about past claims
draws such hatred?
Is "Susan" a female or a *sock* for a gay male? Usually, only queers
are this angry.
Ben Cramer
2006-02-07 07:35:38 UTC
Post by Auric Hellman
"Auric Hellman" is just another moron - please remember to take out
alt.gossip.royalty when you are rubbing his nose in his own filth.
He simply asked a question, yes? Have we reached a point now
where simply asking a legitimate question about past claims
draws such hatred?
Is "Susan" a female or a *sock* for a gay male? Usually, only queers
are this angry.
She's a thick Irish cunt, and an ardent supporter of NAMBLA
Sanders Kaufman
2006-02-06 05:39:02 UTC
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
In Mengele's lab, all kinds of horrible stuff like this was true.
There are several books (with pix) detailing how he made a jew lamp shade,
soap, bone-jewelry, and all kinds of other sick shit.
It's enough to make Stephen King gag.
We Americans can never be safe from terrorism until we eliminate the
NeoChristian insurgency.
Ben Cramer
2006-02-06 11:15:59 UTC
Post by Sanders Kaufman
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
In Mengele's lab, all kinds of horrible stuff like this was true.
There are several books (with pix) detailing how he made a jew lamp shade,
soap, bone-jewelry, and all kinds of other sick shit.
Oh, I'm sure there is.
Ron Jacobson
2006-02-06 16:45:44 UTC
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
There was a small-scale attempt to manufacture soap from corpses
in the Danzig anatomical institute.

Some artifacts were indeed made from human skin. I think this
was restricted only to one camp (Buchenwald). See

Loading Image...

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Section of Pathology
25 May 1945

SUBJECT: Identification of Tattooed Skin Hides



1. There were submitted to this laboratory section for examination three
tanned pieces of skin by Lt. Col. Givin from Buchenwald Camp with office
record designation of Case 81 T.J.A.

2. The description follows:

GROSS: Specimen consists of three pieces of skin labeled A.B.C.

PIECE A: Measures 13x13cm., is transparent and shows a woman's head in the
center and a sailor with an
anchor near the margin.

PIECE B: Measures 14x13cm., is transparent and is a tattoo of several
anchors resting on an indefinite black
mass. To the right of this mass is a man's head.

PIECE C: Is truncated, measures 44cm. At the base. The upper portion is 30
cm. Long and the sides measure 46
cm. The skin is transparent and shows two nipples in the upper area. These
are 16 cm. Apart. From the nipple
level to the umbilicus is 23 « cm. A large bird, with a wingspread
measuring 28 cm., is present in the center of the skin, upper part. A black
dragon, with fire coming from the mouth, measures 28 cm. in length and is
present in the center of the skin. To the left of the dragon is a man in a
coat of mail, with a sword being apparently stuck in the dragon. Man is
approximately 22 cm. in length.

MICROSCOPIC: The tissue consists of bundles of collagen showing occasional
epithelial and sweat gland
remnants. Granular black pigment granules are seen between some of the bundles.

3. Based on the findings in paragraph 2, all three specimens are tattooed
human skin.

For the Commanding Officer,

Ruben Cares
Major M.C., Chief of pathology

Sources: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 6, pp. 123-124,

2006-02-06 18:19:51 UTC
Post by Ron Jacobson
Section of Pathology
25 May 1945
SUBJECT: Identification of Tattooed Skin Hides
1. There were submitted to this laboratory section for examination three
tanned pieces of skin by Lt. Col. Givin from Buchenwald Camp with office
record designation of Case 81 T.J.A.
GROSS: Specimen consists of three pieces of skin labeled A.B.C.
PIECE A: Measures 13x13cm., is transparent and shows a woman's head in the
center and a sailor with an
anchor near the margin.
PIECE B: Measures 14x13cm., is transparent and is a tattoo of several
anchors resting on an indefinite black
mass. To the right of this mass is a man's head.
PIECE C: Is truncated, measures 44cm. At the base. The upper portion is 30
cm. Long and the sides measure 46
cm. The skin is transparent and shows two nipples in the upper area. These
are 16 cm. Apart. From the nipple
level to the umbilicus is 23 « cm. A large bird, with a wingspread
measuring 28 cm., is present in the center of the skin, upper part. A black
dragon, with fire coming from the mouth, measures 28 cm. in length and is
present in the center of the skin. To the left of the dragon is a man in a
coat of mail, with a sword being apparently stuck in the dragon. Man is
approximately 22 cm. in length.
MICROSCOPIC: The tissue consists of bundles of collagen showing occasional
epithelial and sweat gland
remnants. Granular black pigment granules are seen between some of the bundles.
3. Based on the findings in paragraph 2, all three specimens are tattooed
human skin.
For the Commanding Officer,
Ruben Cares
Major M.C., Chief of pathology
Sources: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 6, pp. 123-124,
So that's it???? That was the root of all those tales we used to be
about Nazis making soap and lampshades out of Jews? Three pieces of
skin???? And it sounds to me like they were just interested in the
artistic tattoos that were in the skin of some dead people. BTW,
how many Jews do you think would've even had tattoos like
that then? These likely came from the male bodies of NON-Jews.

Ron Jacobson
2006-02-06 18:27:39 UTC
Post by c***@yahoo.com
So that's it???? That was the root of all those tales we used to be
told about Nazis making soap and lampshades out of Jews? Three pieces
of skin????
This document


Mentions a larger number.
Post by c***@yahoo.com
And it sounds to me like they were just interested in the
artistic tattoos that were in the skin of some dead people. BTW,
how many Jews do you think would've even had tattoos like
that then? These likely came from the male bodies of NON-Jews.
You are probably correct. So? The Nazis tortured and murdered a
huge number of non-Jews.

2006-02-06 18:44:05 UTC
Post by Ron Jacobson
You are probably correct. So? The Nazis tortured and murdered a
huge number of non-Jews.
You bet they did. It's refreshing to see a Jew acknowledging this
Unfortunately, most of these many victims have been brushed aside,
as the "Holocaust" today seems to have almost a totally Jewish
to it. Are there any memorials to honor the others? I don't know of

2006-02-06 17:31:17 UTC
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap?
It's funny you mention that, as not long ago I was thinking about
those tales we were all told back then. It appears they were
just more exaggerations and outright lies; just more of their
attempts to paint Nazi Germany as badly as possible. Apparently,
a recent movie portrayed Hitler as a foaming-at-the-mouth
pedophile. Hilter may have been many things, but I know of
no evidence to support this at all. Lying comes easy for Zionists.
I used to actually believe all their shit.

2006-02-06 19:12:20 UTC
Post by c***@yahoo.com
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap?
It's funny you mention that, as not long ago I was thinking about
those tales we were all told back then. It appears they were
just more exaggerations and outright lies; just more of their
attempts to paint Nazi Germany as badly as possible. Apparently,
a recent movie portrayed Hitler as a foaming-at-the-mouth
pedophile. Hilter may have been many things, but I know of
no evidence to support this at all. Lying comes easy for Zionists.
I used to actually believe all their shit.
I think yu need to read more about Adolph Hitler.
Post by c***@yahoo.com
2006-02-06 20:32:13 UTC
Post by c***@yahoo.com
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap?
It's funny you mention that, as not long ago I was thinking about
those tales we were all told back then. It appears they were
just more exaggerations and outright lies; just more of their
attempts to paint Nazi Germany as badly as possible. Apparently,
a recent movie portrayed Hitler as a foaming-at-the-mouth
pedophile. Hilter may have been many things, but I know of
no evidence to support this at all. Lying comes easy for Zionists.
I used to actually believe all their shit.
So did I.

There's definitely some sort of change occurring, with more and more people
coming to realise that we may have been, to some extent at least, duped.

What also seems clear is that 'moderate' Jews are a myth. No matter *how*
liberal and reasoned you might deem a particular Jewish person to be,
criticise Israel (which, of course, they insist isn't *their* country) and
they will cast aside the mask of tolerance and reason, and immediately set
about vilifying you.

Still, it comes as a rather liberating realisation that, as you put it, we
don't have to take their shit any longer. We really don't.
2006-02-06 22:51:14 UTC
Post by mhlife
So did I.
There's definitely some sort of change occurring, with more and more people
coming to realise that we may have been, to some extent at least, duped.
What also seems clear is that 'moderate' Jews are a myth. No matter *how*
liberal and reasoned you might deem a particular Jewish person to be,
criticise Israel (which, of course, they insist isn't *their* country) and
they will cast aside the mask of tolerance and reason, and immediately set
about vilifying you.
You can see clear evidence of that here on the NG's. The smear has
always been their stock and trade. What they never seem to
understand is that these tactics only make more enemies for them.
Even though I believe that most Jews have a Zionist slant--with
many being rabidly Zionist--there are some who are not, and will
themselves criticize Israel and Zionism, but they are usually
subjected to the same smear campaigns as the non-Jews who
say the things they don't want said.
Post by mhlife
Still, it comes as a rather liberating realisation that, as you put it, we
don't have to take their shit any longer. We really don't.
Well, for how long though? Holocaust denial is now a *crime*
in much of Europe, where the Zionists have managed to infiltrate
pretty well. Regardless of what someone believes about WWII,
this should be alarming to him/her.

2006-02-07 02:22:02 UTC
Post by mhlife
Post by c***@yahoo.com
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap?
It's funny you mention that, as not long ago I was thinking about
those tales we were all told back then. It appears they were
just more exaggerations and outright lies; just more of their
attempts to paint Nazi Germany as badly as possible. Apparently,
a recent movie portrayed Hitler as a foaming-at-the-mouth
pedophile. Hilter may have been many things, but I know of
no evidence to support this at all. Lying comes easy for Zionists.
I used to actually believe all their shit.
So did I.
There's definitely some sort of change occurring, with more and more
people coming to realise that we may have been, to some extent at least,
What also seems clear is that 'moderate' Jews are a myth. No matter *how*
liberal and reasoned you might deem a particular Jewish person to be,
criticise Israel (which, of course, they insist isn't *their* country) and
they will cast aside the mask of tolerance and reason, and immediately set
about vilifying you.
Still, it comes as a rather liberating realisation that, as you put it, we
don't have to take their shit any longer. We really don't.
Au contraire, mon frère.

You see, holocaust deniers can scream their propaganda all they want, until
they turn blue. It will NEVER change what everyone else knows and accepts
as established history.

If you don't want to hear it, fine. There are two ways you can deal with it
so it WON'T bother you anymore. Both of them are equally effective:

1. Accept the Holocaust as established history, and stop trying to change


2. Kill yourself.

Your choice.
Ben Cramer
2006-02-10 13:40:26 UTC
Post by Ed
Post by mhlife
Post by c***@yahoo.com
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap?
It's funny you mention that, as not long ago I was thinking about
those tales we were all told back then. It appears they were
just more exaggerations and outright lies; just more of their
attempts to paint Nazi Germany as badly as possible. Apparently,
a recent movie portrayed Hitler as a foaming-at-the-mouth
pedophile. Hilter may have been many things, but I know of
no evidence to support this at all. Lying comes easy for Zionists.
I used to actually believe all their shit.
So did I.
There's definitely some sort of change occurring, with more and more
people coming to realise that we may have been, to some extent at least,
What also seems clear is that 'moderate' Jews are a myth. No matter
*how* liberal and reasoned you might deem a particular Jewish person to
be, criticise Israel (which, of course, they insist isn't *their*
country) and they will cast aside the mask of tolerance and reason, and
immediately set about vilifying you.
Still, it comes as a rather liberating realisation that, as you put it,
we don't have to take their shit any longer. We really don't.
Au contraire, mon frère.
You see, holocaust deniers can scream their propaganda all they want,
until they turn blue. It will NEVER change what everyone else knows and
accepts as established history.
But your version of the truth is NOT what everyone knows and accepts as
established history, rozenboig.
2006-02-07 05:50:48 UTC
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
Yes, they were true. Altho' no lampshades or soap were made from
converts such as myself.

Gary Rumain
2006-02-07 11:00:26 UTC
On 7-Feb-2006, the phony rev Posting-Host: news.uk.tiscali.com
Subject: Re: Lamp-shades and soap
Newsgroups: soc.culture.israel,alt.gossip.royalty,tx.politics
X-Newsreader: MesNews/
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 05:50:48 GMT
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NNTP-Posting-Host: mk-nntp-2.news.uk.tiscali.com
X-Trace: 7 Feb 2006 05:52:23 GMT, mk-nntp-2.news.uk.tiscali.com
Xref: news.verizon.net soc.culture.israel:1175093
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X-Received-Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 00:52:25 EST (nwrddc02.gnilink.net)
Yes, they were true. Altho' no lampshades or soap were made from
converts such as myself.
At least now we know what the phony rev's problem is - okay, *one*
of his problems: somone told him he wasn't really Jewish because
he converted, and he was dumb enough to believe it.
You're not really jewish *either*, you thick Irish cunt.

Your hubby Gary
The Peeler
2018-11-13 04:41:42 UTC
Post by ***@verizon.net
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
Yes, they were true. Altho' no lampshades or soap were made from
converts such as myself.
Too bad, there should have been
You can say that again.
The Peeler
2018-11-13 09:19:30 UTC
On Mon, 12 Nov 2018 23:41:42 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by The Peeler
Too bad, there should have been
You can say that again.
Instead, people keep saying that you are a loose gay nazi asshole, Loose
Sphincter! LOL
Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Ben Cramer
2006-02-10 13:39:10 UTC
Post by Auric Hellman
No disrespect intended, but whatever became of those stories,
immediately following WWII and lasting well into the 1970's, about the
Jews being made into lamp-shades and bars of soap? Were those stories
true or not?
Of course they're true. Just ask any yid.